In my practice, I have used only 4 tools for data collection, but they were sufficient to create a portrait of "our customer/client".

Tool #1 — Interviews with Current Clients Through interviews, understanding is gained regarding why customers chose your product, what problems it solves, and what results they achieve. Questions can be divided into the following groups:

Tool #2 — Sales Analysis Study successful and unsuccessful deals. Pay attention to:

Tool #3 — Surveys and Questionnaires Conduct surveys among the target audience to learn more about their needs and preferences. Various platforms can be used for this, such as Google Forms, Survey Monkey, or Typeform. Questions from Tool #1 can be used as a basis.

Tool #4 — CRM In this, attention should be paid to purchase and interaction history, demographic data, customer lifecycle, feedback and complaints, repeat purchases, and loyalty scores (NPS or CSAT).

Main Challenges in Data Collection and Their Solutions

The first one — inadequate responsibility in data collection. Fields in Trello or Dome are filled in incompletely or inaccurately. To solve this problem, training sessions should be conducted for employees, teaching them the importance of accurate and thorough filling of all necessary fields for work and analysis.

The second problem — lack of response from clients. Sometimes clients are reluctant to participate in surveys and interviews necessary for forming a Customer 365. Create short and targeted surveys to increase their attractiveness, as nobody wants to spend time on another survey from a company for free.

The third problem — limited access to information. Use open market research, public data, in general, "Competitive Intelligence".

Key Stages of the Subscription Lifecycle

Understanding the subscription lifecycle allows CS to maximize customer satisfaction. It is important to understand that each stage presents unique challenges and opportunities. Effective work at each stage will increase the customer's Lifetime Value (LTV) and reduce the Customer Retention Cost (CRC).

The lifecycle can be divided into 4 stages: